
    Parent Full Name:

    Parent Email Address:

    What option do you want?

    [group issue-chromebook-selected]

    - I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Chromebook Acceptable Use Policy and User Agreement and agree to all its terms and conditions.

    Student Name:


    Student Signature:

    Parent Signature:

    Agreement Date:

    [group opt-out-selected]

    - I understand that my child will not have access to a school furnished Chromebook. I understand that TCA does not guarantee equal access to materials and quality of materials, and that my child’s grade has the potential to suffer as a result in diminished access and quality of materials. I acknowledge that opting out is my choice and understand that a phone is not an acceptable device for use at school. My child is expected to follow all guidelines and discipline policies with any device that I allow them to take to school. I understand that opting out will not impact my child’s accountability for all assignments.

    Reason for Opting Out:

    Student Name:


    Parent Signature:

    Agreement Date:

    [group media-release-selected]

    My signature serves as authorization for The Carolina Academy to:
    ● collect samples of my child’s work
    ● take photographs of
    ● make audio and/or visual recordings of my child and/or me throughout our involvement with school, athletics, clubs, etc., with The Carolina Academy.

    I understand that The Carolina Academy may present, publish and/or
    edit for publication any of the above materials to be used for educational or informational

    No commercial use of my image, voice or work will be allowed without further permission
    from me.

    Student Name:


    Parent Signature:

    Agreement Date:
